Appropriate Behavior

Appropriate Behaviour is a British comedy film, which premiered on January 18, 2014 at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival. Written and directed by Desiree Akhavan, the film stars Akhavan as Shirin, a bisexual Persian American woman in Brooklyn struggling to rebuild her life after breaking up with her girlfriend Maxine Rebecca Henderson.

Brooklynite Shirin, the daughter of welloff Persian immigrants, is left homeless and jobless after her girlfriend Maxine breaks up with her. With the encouragement of her friend Crystal she moves in with strange roommates and gets a new job teachingyear old Park Slope children the art of movie making.Shirins parents are confused as to why Maxine move out of her old apartment as Shirin has never told them she was bisexual and dating a woman. Determined to get her life back on track Shirin begins trying to follow Maxine hoping to rekindle their relationship. After seeing Maxine is now dating Tibet, a fellow teacher at the Park Slope school where she works Shirin realizes that they are never going to get back together she devotes herself to her work and comes out to her brother who is mostly supportive, and her mother, who is in denial. ........

Source: Wikipedia